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LeucoPatch system for the management of hard-to-heal diabetic foot ulcers in the UK, Denmark, and Sweden: An observer-masked, randomised controlled trial

The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology Nov 08, 2018

Game F, et al. - In people with diabetes, researchers tested the efficacy of LeucoPatch (a device that uses bedside centrifugation with no additional reagents to generate a disc comprising autologous leucocytes, platelets, and fibrin, which is applied to the surface of the wound) on the healing of hard-to-heal foot ulcers. They conducted a multicenter, international, observer-masked, randomized controlled trial in 32 specialist diabetic foot clinics in 3 countries (UK, Denmark, and Sweden) in people with diabetes and a hard-to-heal foot ulcer. The mean age of the participants was 61.9 years, 82% were men, and 83% had type 2 diabetes. Findings suggested an association of the use of LeucoPatch with significant improvement in healing of hard-to-heal foot ulcers in people with diabetes. Diabetic foot infection was the most common serious adverse event.

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