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Leucocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin block for bone augmentation procedure: A proof-of-concept study

Journal of Clinical Periodontology Jun 01, 2018

Cortellini S, et al. - Researchers, in this proof-of-concept study gauged the impacts of a new guided bone regeneration technique with a tissue engineering approach. They conducted this single cohort observational study to evaluate the outcome of the leucocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) Block for horizontal bone augmentation in the maxilla. By mixing a particulate biomaterial with chopped L-PRF membranes at a 50:50 ratio and adding liquid fibrinogen to glue all together, the L-PRF Block was prepared. To augment deficient alveolar ridges, L-PRF Block could be a suitable technique. On average 15.6% (±6.7) was the resorption rate after 5–8 months.
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