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“Characteristics of patients admitted to emergency department for asthma attack: A real-LIFE study”

BMC Pulmonary Medicine Jun 21, 2019

Losappio L, et al. - Researchers analyzed the features of adult patients admitted to emergency-department (ED) for acute asthma attack, with an emphasis on the previous diagnosis of asthma (DA) and current therapy. In the ED of a South-Italy town, all patients admitted for asthma attack were asked to complete a structured questionnaire during a one-year period. Only those with subsequently confirmed asthma were included (n=201, mean 50.3ys). The diagnosis of asthma was received in ED by up to 40% of patients, and only 61% of DA-patients were taking inhaled corticosteroids, despite the asthma guidelines-recommendation. Absence of written asthma action plans with DA-patients possibly explains the poor patient-self-medication at ED admission. Oxygen saturation (Sat-O2) ≤ 94% breathing ambient air, inability-to-complete a sentence and the age were identified as significant risk factors for hospitalization.
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