Lack of association between LTF gene polymorphisms and different caries status in primary dentition
Oral Diseases Jul 13, 2018
Wang M, et al. - Authors gauged the relationship between LTF polymorphisms and the severity of caries in primary dentition. They included 910 healthy paediatric subjects (aged 24-48 months) and categorised them into 3 groups: 403 with no caries or white-spot lesions; 230 with moderate caries (8 ≤ dmft ≤ 12); and 277 with severe caries (13 ≤ dmft ≤ 20). Findings suggested that there was no association between the LTF rs1126477 and rs1126478 polymorphisms and the different levels of caries risk in this Chinese paediatric cohort.
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