L3 translation predicts when L3 is not distal enough for an "ideal" result in Lenke 5 curves
European Spine Journal Apr 19, 2019
Phillips L, et al. - Researchers examined data to assess the preoperative variables predictive of an "ideal" or "less than ideal" outcome for Lenke 5 curves instrumented to L3. They observed that 23 were considered "less than ideal" by ≥ 3 surgeons; 81 were unanimously "ideal". Preoperatively, they noticed significantly stiffer curves, greater apical translation, and greater LIV angulation and translation in the "less than ideal" group. They noted that > 3.5 cm risked a "less than ideal" result whereas preoperative L3 translation was the single only predictor of a “less than ideal” outcome: < 3.5 cm consistently resulted in an "ideal" outcome.
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