Knee pain and functional scores after intramedullary nailing of tibial shaft fractures using a suprapatellar approach
Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma Dec 23, 2018
Serbest S, et al. - Authors investigated 21 candidates with tibial shaft fractures of mean age 35.4 ± 12.4 years to analyze the effects of intramedullary nailing of the tibia practicing a suprapatellar (SP) approach with regards to pain and function of the knee. They recorded a mean of 1.0 ± 1.3 for visual analog scale score (anterior knee pain), 45.1 ± 9 for the SF-36 physical score with a mean of 51.7 ± 9.9 for SF-36 mental score, the knee joint range of movement as 133.1 ± 87 degrees on the affected extremity side and 134.05 ± 8.4 degrees on the unaffected side, and 95.76 ± 4 as mean Lysholm knee score. They observed no intra-articular pathology on arthroscopy after nail insertion and no association with either anterior knee pain or functional limitations of the knee.
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