Knee arthroplasty component malrotation does not affect function or quality of life in the short to medium term
Journal of Arthroplasty Mar 07, 2019
Babazadeh S, et al. - To ascertain the consequence of femoral, tibial and combined component rotation in primary total knee arthroplasty with primary results being function, as estimated by the Knee Society Score; pain and quality of life, measured by the Short-Form 12 score; and the secondary result being prosthesis failure, authors examined the prospectively collected data. They defined malrotation as internally rotated from neutral, or externally rotated more than 5 degrees for the femoral component, internally rotated higher than 6 degrees for the tibial component or internally rotated from neutral for the 2 components combined. They found no association between function/quality of life and component rotation at 5 years. They suggested a reduced level of recovery from pain as compared to pre-operative results with component malrotation in the mid-term.
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