Kidney transplantation in the extremely elderly from extremely aged deceased donors: A kidney for each age
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Feb 19, 2020
Cabrera J, Fernández-Ruiz M, Trujillo H, et al. - Given the number of elderly individuals with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) has increased due to advances in life expectancy, but limited knowledge exists about the results of kidney transplantation (KT) in extremely elderly patients based on an allocation policy prioritizing donor–recipient age matching, so, researchers evaluated determinants of death-censored graft as well as patient survival, using Cox regression, among recipients ≥ 75 years (n = 138) that received KT from similarly aged deceased donors at experts' institution between 2002 and 2015. The occurrence of primary graft non-function was reported in 8.0% (11/138) of patients. For post-transplant infection and biopsy-proven acute rejection (BPAR), the cumulative incidence rates were estimated to be 70.3% (97/138) and 15.2% (21/138), respectively. The main cause of mortality was infection. Lower 1-year patient survival was reported in relation to the occurrence of BPAR. Five-year death-censored graft survival was predicted only by diabetic nephropathy. Findings revealed that KT can be received by ESRD patients ≥75 years and these individuals continue to be dialysis free for the rest of their lifetime by using grafts from extremely aged deceased donors, affording encouraging outcomes in terms of the recipient and graft survival.
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