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Kidney disease awareness and knowledge among survivors of acute kidney injury

American Journal of Nephrology Apr 20, 2019

Siew ED, et al. - Via a cross-sectional survey of acute kidney injury (AKI) survivors, researchers focused on AKI-related awareness and knowledge in these subjects. They queried 137 patients with Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes Stage II or III AKI near the time of hospital discharge. The study population had median age of 54 (interquartile range 43–63) and included 81% whites. In multivariable logistic regression, unawareness was predicted by being male and lack of nephrology consult, with ORs of 3.92 and 5.10, respectively. In the majority of patients with moderate to severe AKI, unawareness regarding their condition was reported. Most of the patients lacked an understanding of risk factors for recurrent AKI, and desired more information.
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