Karyotype of first miscarriage is prognostic of subsequent pregnancy outcome
Fertility and Sterility Apr 11, 2019
Murugappan G, et al. - Researchers examined the predictive value of the karyotype of the first miscarriage for the outcome of the subsequent pregnancy via performing prospective cohort analysis of 130 patients who underwent cytogenetic testing of products of conception at the time of the first miscarriage. Outcomes showed a euploid karyotype in 34 (26%) and aneuploid karyotype in 96 (74%). Spontaneous second pregnancy was more likely in patients with a euploid loss with a live birth rate of 50% (n=17) and pregnancy loss rate of 50% (n=17). Live birth in the subsequent pregnancy was 70 % (n=67) and pregnancy loss rate was 30% (n=29) among patients with an aneuploid loss. Normal cytogenetic testing after the first miscarriage is noted to be associated with reduced probability of live birth and a higher probability of pregnancy loss in the subsequent pregnancy. These findings suggest that the outcome of the subsequent pregnancy could be predicted via embryonic karyotype of the first miscarriage. Hence they suggest considering cytogenetic evaluation sooner in the evaluation of early pregnancy loss.
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