Joint hypermobility is not positively associated with prevalent multiple joint osteoarthritis: A cross-sectional study of older adults
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Apr 17, 2019
Gullo TR, et al. - In a community-based cohort of adults 45+ years of age, researchers evaluated the relationship between joint hypermobility and multiple joint osteoarthritis (MJOA). They observed that 4% had Beighton score > 4 and 63% met any definition of MJOA. A correlation between joint hypermobility and significantly lower odds of radiographic and symptomatic MJOA-1 [multiple joint OA-definition 1: involvement of > 1 IP (interphalangeal) nodes and > 2 sites of hip, knee, and spine; 74 and 58% lower, respectively] was reported. They overall did not record a positive relation of joint hypermobility with any definition of prevalent MJOA in this cohort whereas an inverse relationship was noted with one definition of MJOA.
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