Joint associations of obesity and estimated GFR with clinical outcomes: A population-based cohort study
BMC Nephrology Jun 14, 2019
Tonelli M, et al. - In a population-based cohort with procedures from Alberta, researchers analyzed the joint links between obesity, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and albuminuria on four clinical outcomes (death, end-stage renal disease [ESRD], myocardial infarction, and placement in a long-term care facility). Overall 1,293,362 participants were included, with documented obesity in 171,650 (13.3%) and absence of documented obesity in 1,121,712 (86.7%). For subjects with and without documented obesity, a J-shaped link between eGFR and mortality was seen. Significant interactions between obesity and eGFR and/or albuminuria on the probability of adverse outcomes including mortality and ESRD were found in this study. Given a common prevalence of obesity, enhancement of the risk prediction tools for chronic kidney disease patients might be achieved by adding information on body mass index or other proxies for body size in addition to eGFR and albuminuria.
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