IV labetalol and oral nifedipine in acute control of severe hypertension in pregnancy–A randomized controlled trial
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology May 08, 2019
Zulfeen M, et al. - In this parallel double-blinded randomized controlled trial including 120 antenatal women of gestational age >28 weeks, admitted with severe hypertension of blood pressure ≥160/110 mm Hg to maternity ward at a tertiary hospital, intravenous labetalol was compared with oral nifedipine regarding the efficacy in the treatment of severe hypertension. Researchers randomized 60 women to each group and identified that blood pressure was effectively controlled by both intravenous labetalol and oral nifedipine. More rapid reduction in BP was achieved using nifedipine than labetalol. Because of its ease of oral administration and a flat dosing regimen, oral Nifedipine seems to be a better alternative.
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