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Isotretinoin and risk factors for suicide attempt: A population-based comprehensive case series and nested case-control study using 2010-2014 French Health Insurance Data

Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Oct 11, 2019

Droitcourt C, Poizeau F, Kerbrat S, et al. - Using 2010-2014 French Health Insurance Data, researchers conducted a population-based comprehensive case series and nested case-control study to characterize patient profiles and the management of isotretinoin among patients who committed or attempted suicide under treatment, as well as to evaluate the risk factors for suicide attempts (SA) under isotretinoin. Around January 1, 2010, and December 31, 2014, a total of 328,018 individuals started a course of isotretinoin and 184 patients were treated for a SA; half of them had a history of psychiatry at the initiation. Psychiatric history and anxiety history alone were risk factors for SA in the multivariate analysis. According to findings, SAs under isotretinoin are rare events and the results suggest that a risk-prone profile is detectable in most patients at the time of initiation of treatment. Treatment beginning by a dermatologist was inversely linked to the continuation of the treatment after a SA. After a SA, the risk-benefit ratio of continuing isotretinoin requires more careful consideration.
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