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Isolated bioinductive repair of partial-thickness rotator cuff tears using a resorbable bovine collagen implant: Two-year radiologic and clinical outcomes from a prospective multicenter study

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Nov 22, 2020

Schlegel TF, Abrams JS, Angelo RL, et al. - A prospective multicenter study was conducted to evaluate isolated bioinductive repair of partial-thickness rotator cuff tears applying a resorbable bovine collagen implant. Researchers prospectively included a total of 33 patients with chronic, degenerative, intermediate-grade (n = 12) or high-grade (n = 21) partial-thickness tears (11 articular, 10 bursal, 4 intra substance, and 8 hybrid) of the supraspinatus tendon in a multi-center study. The results demonstrated the use of this resorbable bovine collagen implant for isolated bioinductive repair of intermediate- and high-grade partial-thickness rotator cuff tears of the supraspinatus are safe and effective, regardless of tear grade and location in this two-year prospective study.


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