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Is there a relation between vitamin D and interleukin-17 in vitiligo? A cross-sectional study

Dermatology Oct 05, 2017

Aly D, et al. - A possible regulatory impact of vitamin D was comprehensively assessed on interleukin-17 (IL-17) along with their relation to the disease activity in vitiligo. In the pathogenesis of vitiligo, vitamin D reflected as a potential player. The regulatory association with IL-17, and its weight as a screening tool in vitiligo warranted additional exploration.


  • 30 vitiligo patients and 40 controls were recruited for this trial.
  • An inspection was performed of their IL-17 and vitamin D serum levels through the ELISA technique.


  • A prominently higher IL-17 was revealed (p = 0.001).
  • In contrast, the vitamin D level appeared to be lower among the patients (p < 0.001).
  • Multivariable regression gauged the link between IL-17 and vitamin D levels with the demographic data on the patients, disclosing a nonsignificant association (p > 0.05).
  • A notable positive link was brought to light between vitamin D levels and the disease duration.

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