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Is ovarian reserve impacted in anorexia nervosa?

Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Dec 05, 2020

Pitts S, Dahlberg SE, Gallagher JS, et al. - In adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with anorexia nervosa (AN), hypothalamic amenorrhea is common and the ovarian reserve is not routinely evaluated, researchers conducted this cross-sectional study to ascertain if biomarkers of the ovarian reserve were affected in AYA with AN. Participants in the study were 97 females with AN and amenorrhea at the pre-intervention visit of a clinical trial and 19 females without an eating disorder or menstrual dysfunction. in AYA with AN, anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) levels seem to be normal or elevated. AMH levels were higher than the normal range (>6.78ng/mL) in 19.6% of participants with AN, and these patients had a longer disease duration vs those with normal AMH levels. In an AN patient, low AMH should increase clinical concern about the ovarian reserve and may not be due solely to the extent of malnutrition. Presently during routine AN clinical care, AMH is not routinely assessed, however, some clinical usefulness in recognizing certain patients with diminished ovarian reserve is supported by these results. It is important to examine possible connections between hypothalamic amenorrhea experienced by patients with AN and PCOS.

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