Is maternal lipid profile in early pregnancy associated with pregnancy complications and blood pressure in pregnancy and long term postpartum?
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology May 11, 2019
Adank MC, et al. - Researchers examined how early pregnancy maternal lipid profile and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are associated with blood pressure during and years after pregnancy. From the Generation R Study, an ongoing population-based prospective birth cohort, they analyzed 5690 women. These women showed a positive and independent correlation of an atherogenic lipid profile in early pregnancy reflecting impaired triglyceride-rich lipoprotein metabolism with preeclampsia and blood pressure throughout pregnancy as well as with sustained hypertension long term postpartum. These findings suggest the value of assessing lipid levels in early pregnancy for recognizing women at risk for future hypertension and perhaps also women at risk for future cardiovascular disease.
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