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Is high-volume post-dilution haemodiafiltration associated with risk of fluid volume imbalance?: A national multicentre cross-sectional cohort study

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Dec 11, 2019

Chazot C, Deleuze S, Fadel B, et al. - Since on-line hemodiafiltration (OL-HDF) needs large quantities of dialysate infusion, this technique can expose to fluid buildup in case of a positive sodium gradient between dialysate and plasma, and in order to assess this risk, researchers performed this cross-sectional and retrospective study, utilizing data from the EUCLID5 database, to examine as well as compare the fluid status of patients managed with hemodialysis (HD) or OL-HDF in French NephroCare centers. Two groups of patients were defined (HD and OL-HDF) and were compared as the entire group or matched patients for fluid status criteria including predialysis relative fluid overload (RelFO%) status from the Body Compositor Monitor. Findings revealed no link between the use of post-dilution OL-HDF and markers of fluid volume excess. Adequate management of fluid status in both OL-HDF and HD patients may be achieved with the help of aligned dialysis fluid sodium levels to patient predialysis plasma sodium and regular monitoring of fluid volume status by bioimpedance spectroscopy.
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