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Is dietary melatonin supplementation a viable adjunctive therapy for chronic periodontitis? — A randomized controlled clinical trial

Journal of Periodontal Research Jan 04, 2019

El-Sharkawy H, et al. - Authors analyzed 74 generalized chronic periodontitis (gCP) cases to evaluate the impact of melatonin (responsible for sleep/waking cycle regulation) supplementation with a 2-month regimen of 10 mg oral melatonin capsule once daily before bedtime in insomniac people with generalized chronic periodontitis (gCP) after scaling and root planing (SRP). They noted a significantly higher clinical attachment level (CAL) gain and pocket depth (PD) reduction with melatonin supplementation. They also observed lower salivary TNF-α levels and Athens insomnia scale (AIS) scores in gCP subjects with primary insomnia.
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