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Is birth weight the major confounding factor in the study of gestational weight gain?: An observational cohort study

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Jun 14, 2018

O’Higgins AC, et al. - Researchers examined the relationship between gestational weight gain (GWG) and birth weight in women where GWG and Body Mass Index (BMI) were measured accurately in a strictly standardized way. This longitudinal prospective study identified a positive correlation between GWG in pregnancy and birth weight (BW) that can be accounted for by the contribution of fetal weight to GWG antenatally without a contribution from increased maternal adiposity. Outcomes suggested a wide range of BW irrespective of the degree of GWG. Compared to non-obese women, obese women showed a lower GWG. Findings might be beneficial in understanding why Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) designed to reduce GWG have failed to decrease BW and suggest there is no causative link between excessive GWG and increased BW.
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