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Is anemia an independent risk factor for postpartum depression in women who have a cesarean section? - A prospective observational study

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Oct 18, 2018

Chandrasekaran N, et al. - In women undergoing elective cesarean section, researchers investigated if postpartum anemia (PPA) is an independent risk factor for de novo postpartum depression (PPD). For this purpose, 103 women with an uncomplicated term cesarean section were assessed for their hemoglobin and iron status on day 3–5 post-section and again at 6 weeks; they were also screened for postpartum depression and functional capacity using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and the RAND 12-item Health survey, respectively. Findings revealed that postpartum depression or decreased postpartum functional capacity could not be associated with either anemia or low iron stores among these women.

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