Iron consumption is not consistently associated with fecundability among North American and Danish pregnancy planners
The Journal of Nutrition Jun 06, 2019
Hahn KA, et al. - Higher intake of nonheme iron and iron supplements led to a 40% lower risk of ovulatory infertility in a study among US nurses and this revelation led researchers to investigate the extent to which iron consumption from diet and supplements reported on structured questionnaires is related to fecundability. They utilized data from 2 prospective cohort studies of pregnancy planners from Denmark (Snart Foraeldre; n = 1693) and North America (PRESTO; n = 2969) and carried out parallel analyses. Findings revealed no consistent association of dietary intake of iron with fecundability but a positive link among women with risk factors for iron deficiency was shown by some evidence. Among North American, but not Danish, pregnancy planners, a small positive link between supplemental iron consumption and fecundability was found.
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