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Iris microhemangiomatosis: Clinical, fluorescein angiography, and optical coherence tomography angiography in 14 consecutive patients

American Journal of Ophthalmology Aug 19, 2018

Williams BK, et al. - In a series of patients with iris microhemangiomatosis, authors ascertained the clinical and imaging findings and treatment options. Findings suggested iris microhemangiomatosis to be a rare ocular condition which often manifesting with spontaneous unilateral hyphema and/or secondary glaucoma. The diagnosis is confirmed by AS-IVFA, and only in 9% of eyes intervention with laser photocoagulation is necessary. The fine tuft at the pupillary margin was documented by AS-OCT, vascular flow was demonstrated by AS-OCTA and pupillary margin vascular lesions with mild staining were demonstrated by AS-IVFA. In 20 cases (91%), observation was advised, and argon laser photocoagulation was required for repetitive hyphema in 2 (9%) cases.
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