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Involvement of the pulmonary arteries in patients with takayasu arteritis: A prospective study from a single centre in China

Arthritis Research & Therapy Jun 10, 2020

Kong X, Ma L, Lv P, et al. - This study was attempted to examine multiple clinical characteristics related to pulmonary artery involvement (PAI) in Takayasu arteritis

(TA) patients. Researchers included a total of 216 patients with TA from a large prospective cohort. They evaluated PAI in each patient based on data from magnetic resonance angiography/CT angiography. They further assessed pulmonary hypertension, cardiac function, and pulmonary parenchymal lesions in patients with PAI based on echocardiography, the New York Heart Association Functional Classification, and pulmonary computed tomography, respectively. These abnormalities related to PAI were followed up to assess treatment impacts. PAI was found to be common in TA patients. It was demonstrated that PAI can cause pulmonary hypertension, cardiac insufficiency, and pulmonary parenchymal lesions, which worsen patients’ prognosis.

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