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Investigation of the clinical features of lower uterine segment carcinoma: Association with advanced stage disease and indication of poorer prognosis

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics Jan 14, 2018

Miyoshi A, et al. - A retrospective analysis was undertaken to determine the differential clinical features and prognosis of endometrial carcinomas arising from the lower uterus, which are reported to have a poorer prognosis than those arising from the upper uterus. In the current work, lower uterine segment carcinoma (LUSC) was associated with more advanced stage disease, deep myometrial invasion, and lymph node metastasis, thus it was suggested to be a high-risk indicator for poorer prognosis for endometrial carcinoma and a significantly worse progression-free survival probability. LUSC was shown to be FIGO stage-dependent and an important factor for overall survival.

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