Intravitreal aflibercept for retinal angiomatous proliferation: Results of a prospective case series at 96 weeks
Ophthalmologica Jun 08, 2019
Browning AC, et al. - Via this prospective study, researchers sought to report the visual and anatomical outcomes at 96 weeks of treatment with intravitreal aflibercept in the largest series of patients with retinal angiomatous proliferation lesions when treated in accordance to the pivotal VIEW study neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD)treatment protocol. Following 3 initial monthly injections, aflibercept was administered every 8 weeks up to and including week 48 to the patients. Injections at least every 12 weeks was administered to the patients during weeks 52–96, with monthly evaluations for interim injections if they fulfilled the retreatment criteria. Study completion at week 96 was reached by 46 patients. At 52- and 96-week time points, the vision (<15 letters of best-corrected visual acuity lost) was maintained in 45/46 (98%) and 41/46 (89%) of patients, respectively. At the 96-week time point, 13/46 (28%) of patients had gained ≥15 letters and also demonstrated a mean reduction in central macular thickness of 162 μm (standard deviation 106), with 72% of maculae being fluid-free. The outcomes suggest that the treatment was beneficial to the patients to a degree similar to that observed in those with type 1 and 2 nAMD.
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