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Intrauterine injection of human chorionic gonadotropin before embryo transfer can improve in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer outcomes: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Fertility and Sterility Jul 09, 2019

Gao MX, et al. - Researchers conducted this meta-analysis to determine IVF-ET outcomes in correlation to intrauterine injection of hCG before embryo transfer. Analyzing fifteen randomized controlled trials with a total of 2,763 participants, they identified significantly higher live birth rate (44.89% vs 29.76%), ongoing pregnancy rate (48.09% vs 33.42%), clinical pregnancy rate (47.80% vs 32.78%), and implantation rate (31.64% vs 22.52%) among infertile women treated with intrauterine hCG injection before ET vs those treated with intrauterine injection of placebo or no injection. This indicates intrauterine injection of hCG as beneficial for improving outcomes of IVF-ET cycles. In addition, IVT-ET outcomes may vary with different timing and dosages of hCG administration. Notably, optimal IVF-ET outcomes could be achieved among infertile women treated with 500 IU hCG within 15 minutes before ET.
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