Intraperitoneal cefepime monotherapy vs combination therapy of cefazolin plus ceftazidime for empirical treatment of CAPD-associated peritonitis: A multicenter, open-label, noninferiority, randomized, controlled trial
American Journal of Kidney Diseases Oct 25, 2019
Kitrungphaiboon T, Puapatanakul P, Chuengsaman P, et al. - Given that potential benefits may be derived from intraperitoneal (IP) cefepime monotherapy vs combination therapy for continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)-associated peritonitis, in terms of reducing staff burden, reducing time-consuming antibiotic preparation, and decreasing bag contamination risk, researchers undertook this multicenter, open-label, noninferiority, randomized, controlled trial to assess if cefepime monotherapy is non-inferior to combination regimens. In 8 peritoneal dialysis (PD) centers in Thailand, they randomly allocated adult incident PD patients with CAPD-associated peritonitis to receive either IP monotherapy of cefepime, 1 g/d, or IP combination of cefazolin and ceftazidime, 1 g/d, both delivered as continuous dosing. The resolution of peritonitis at day 10 was considered as the primary endpoint. Findings revealed the noninferiority of IP cefepime monotherapy to conventional combination therapy with regard to the resolution of CAPD-related peritonitis at day 10. IP cefepime monotherapy may afford a reasonable alternative first-line therapy.
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