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Intraoperative fetal heart monitoring for non-obstetric surgery: A systematic review

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology May 02, 2019

Po G, et al. - Via performing this systematic review, researchers investigated the incidence of emergent cesarean delivery performed for non-reassuring fetal heart rate patterns during non-obstetric surgery. They identified 120 studies; criteria for inclusion were met by 4 with 41 cases of intraoperative monitoring. For most (66%) surgeries, neurological or abdominal maternal issues were the indications. These surgeries were mostly performed under general anesthesia (88%) at a mean gestational age of 28 weeks. Most cases had minimal or absent fetal heart variability and in cases with general anesthesia, a 10-25 beats per minutes decrease in fetal heart rate baseline was observed. Intraoperative cesarean deliveries were not required. However, within 48 hours after surgery, two (4.9%) cesarean deliveries were undertaken for non-reassuring fetal heart rate monitoring.
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