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Intraocular pressure control and visual field changes in primary angle closure disease: The CUHK PACG Longitudinal (CUPAL) study

British Journal of Ophthalmology Aug 13, 2019

Cheung CY, Li SL, Chan PPM, et al. - In patients with primary angle closure disease (PACD), researchers determined the association of intraocular pressure (IOP) control with subsequent visual field (VF) deterioration, defined as IOP control associated with decreased VF parameters over time with a P value < 0.05. Four hundred nineteen PACD eyes have been included from 240 Chinese patients. Using linear mixed models, the link between IOP control and subsequent VF parameters over time was examined. The data presented in this work showed a significant and independent predictor for subsequent VF deterioration in eyes with PACD was IOP fluctuation.
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