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Intra- and inter-examiner agreement when assessing radiographic implant bone levels: Differences related to brightness, accuracy, participant demographics and implant characteristics

Clinical Oral Implants Research Jul 25, 2018

Walton TR, et al. - Researchers assessed the intra- and inter-examiner agreement of radiographic marginal bone level (MBL) assessment around Branemark single implants. They also evaluated whether there was an association between agreement and radiograph brightness, discrimination level (accuracy), participant demographics or implant characteristics. Findings suggested a poor agreement within and between examiners when assessing MBLs. Around 25% of the time, disagreement occurred, potentially affecting consistent disease assessments. The agreement was not clearly affected by any participant or implant characteristic. An Intra-examiner agreement was improved by. Overall, perceived MBL changes below 1 mm are likely due to human, not biological variation.
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