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Intra-abdominal infection (IAI) following cesarean section: A retrospective study in a tertiary referral hospital in Egypt

BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Jul 16, 2019

Abdelraheim AR, et al. - Researchers performed a retrospective study examining the incidence of postcesarean IAI at Minia University Hospital for Obstetrics and Gynecology (a tertiary referral hospital), Minia Governorate, Egypt between January 2014 and December 2017 (4 years). In addition, they sought for the independent risk factors associated with it. They identified 35,500 deliveries in the hospital during the study period; of these, 14200 cases (40%) were by cesarean section. They noted IAI incidence of 2.87% post cesarean section (CS), and the mortality rate of 1.2% (due to septicemia). Chorioamnionitis and premature rupture of membranes were the most identifiable risk factors for IAI. Prolonged duration of CS >  1 h, no antenatal care visits, blood loss > 1000 ml, emergency CS, prolonged labor ≥24 h and diabetes mellitus were the other identified risk factors.
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