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Interventions for the prevention of postpartum depression in adolescent mothers: A systematic review

Archives of Women's Mental Health Aug 22, 2018

Sangsawang B, et al. - Given that 10–57% of adolescent mothers are affected with postpartum depression (PPD) which can affect not only adolescent mothers but also their infants, researchers examined the effectiveness of the existing interventions to prevent PPD in adolescent mothers. They performed a systematic search in MEDLINE, CINAHL, and SCOPUS databases between January 2000 and March 2017 and included 13 studies reporting on 2236 adolescent pregnant women. The psychological and psychosocial interventions included: (1) home-visiting intervention, (2) prenatal antenatal and postnatal educational program, (3) CBT psycho-educational, (4) the REACH program based on interpersonal therapy, and (5) infant massage training. Successful reduction in rates of PPD symptoms in adolescent mothers in the intervention group than those mothers in the control group was evident. Hence, they suggest considering these interventions for incorporation in antenatal care interventions for adolescent pregnant women.
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