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Interventions for distal radius fractures : A network meta-analysis of randomized trials

Journal of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons Jun 27, 2019

Vannabouathong C, et al. - Thirty-eight trials were incorporated with total sample sizes ranging from 30 to 461 patients, the researchers intended to determine the alternative approaches for the management of fracture of the distal radius. The highest improving functional outcomes at 6 and 12 months were of plate fixation (PF), in comparison to with plaster casting (PC) at 12 months. Further, PF was ranked the highest for the decline in fracture healing complications by exhibiting more favorable results in relation to the four other interventions (external fixation, K-wire, PC, intramedullary nailing). However, no differences were seen between treatments at 3 months. Hence, the best outcomes for adult patients with a distal radius fracture, open reduction and internal fixation with a plate was observed as beneficial in terms of early and maintained functional recovery with a decrease in fracture healing complications.
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