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Interprosthetic femoral sleeves in revision arthroplasty: A 20-year experience

Journal of Arthroplasty Mar 07, 2019

Abdelaziz H, et al. - Investigators examined 26 individuals to estimate the consequences of interprosthetic femoral (IF) sleeves in revision arthroplasty between 1997 and December 2017. They noticed the utilization of 2-part sleeves in 18 cases and 1-part sleeves in 8 subjects with mean survivorship of the IF sleeve of 4.6 years. The overall rate of complications and the rate of mechanical failure were 47.8% and 21.7%, respectively. They suggested IF sleeve, a legitimate technique to manage the selected subjects with interprosthetic femoral fractures (IFF), especially when a stable fracture fixation was not feasible.
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