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International organism profile of periprosthetic total hip and knee infections

Journal of Arthroplasty Aug 22, 2020

Villa JM, Pannu TS, Theeb I, et al. - This study was intended to present periprosthetic joint infection causative organisms, rates of resistant organisms, and polymicrobial infections at 7 large institutions located in North/South America and Europe. Between January 2006 and October 2019, researchers conducted a retrospective study including a total of 654 periprosthetic hips (n = 361) and knee (n = 293) infections distinguished at Cleveland Clinic Ohio/Florida in the United States (US) (n = 159), Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires in Argentina (n = 99), Hospital Asociación Española in Uruguay (n = 130), Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital in the United Kingdom (UK) (n = 103), HELIOS Klinikum in Germany (n = 59), and Vreden Institute for Orthopedics in St. Petersburg, Russia (n = 104). They conducted analyses for the entire cohort, knees, and hips. The data exhibited that S aureus and S epidermidis accounted for almost 50% of all infections in the evaluated institutions. It was indicated that the US and the UK had the lowest incidence of resistant organisms while Germany and Russia had the highest. The data revealed that UK and Uruguay had the lowest rates of polymicrobial infections.

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