Internal fixation of unstable radial head fracture: A comparison of metallic and biodegradable implants
Injury Aug 09, 2019
Roh YH, et al. - The outcomes of the fixation of radial head fractures with biodegradable pins vs those with metallic implants were examined. Researchers randomized 84 patients, who had an unstable radial head fracture and were scheduled to undergo surgical fixation, into two groups, with one undergoing surgery with metallic implants and the other undergoing surgery with biodegradable implants. Outcomes revealed inferior average time to bony union of isolated radial head fracture with biodegradable implants vs metallic implants. Hardware removal surgery was more frequently performed among patients with metallic implants vs those with biodegradable implants. Comparable outcomes were reported for unstable radial head fractures treated with a biodegradable pin and those that had metallic implants for fixation, with the exception of the scores on the Disability of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand scale at 3 months.
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