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Interleukin-15 and interleukin-7 are the major cytokines to maintain endometriosis

Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation Feb 06, 2019

Bellelis P, et al. - Researchers evaluated cytokines related to natural killer and T-regulatory cells in endometriotic lesions, peritoneal fluid (PF) and the peripheral blood (PB) of patients with deep infiltrative endometriosis. They conducted a case-control study of 64 consecutive patients, divided into 2 groups after laparoscopy: with endometriosis (Group A – n = 32) and without endometriosis (Group B – n = 32). Compared to the other analyzed groups, the ectopic endometrium showed significantly higher Interleukin (IL)-15 concentration and the eutopic endometrium had higher IL-7 in the endometriosis group. Compared to endometriosis group, the control group had significantly higher IFNγ, IL-7, and IL-15 in the PF, and had lower IL-10. Compared to endometriosis group, the control group had significantly higher IL-4, IL-10, IL-12, IL-15, and IFNγ concentrations in PB. Outcomes suggest that deep endometriosis is a disease out of control. This disease was noted to have progressive and invasive nature, as demonstrated by the disorganized secretion of cytokine regulation and inflammation, which seem to be among the factors responsible for the maintenance of the disease.
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