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Interferon gamma replacement as salvage therapy in chronic pulmonary aspergillosis: Effects on frequency of acute exacerbation and all-cause hospital admission

Thorax Apr 03, 2020

Monk EJM, et al. - Given that interferon gamma (IFNγ) has been implicated in not only Aspergillus control but also bacterial clearance, so, researchers analyzed retrospectively hand-searched clinical notes of patients suffering from chronic pulmonary aspergillosis managed with IFNγ (2011–2018). In cases managed for > 12 months (n = 20), a decrease in the frequency of acute exacerbation from 3.1 to 1.4 episodes/year was noted in the 12 months post-treatment initiation vs the 12 months before. Findings also revealed a significant decrease in the frequency of hospital admissions/year.

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