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Interest in orthodontic tooth alignment in adult patients affected by periodontitis: A questionnaire-based cross-sectional pilot study

Journal of Periodontology Apr 10, 2019

Hirschfeld J, et al. - In view of the observation that pathologically migrated teeth can be successfully aligned with orthodontic treatment leading to achieving improvement of periodontal stability in patients with periodontitis, 115 adult patients with moderate to severe periodontitis were investigated for the interest in undergoing orthodontic treatment as well as for patient-related and tooth-related influence factors. Interest in orthodontics was shown by two-thirds of the participants to improve tooth alignment. However, there appeared no influence of severity of periodontitis and tooth misalignment or demographic factors on this observation. Therefore, they recommend dental practitioners to be informed of patients wishing to align their teeth and to give them relevant information and, if appropriate, enable interdisciplinary treatment planning.
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