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Interaction between severe chronic kidney disease and acute kidney injury in predicting mortality after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: Insights from the Italian Clinical Service Project

Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions Jul 28, 2020

Adamo M, Provini M, Fiorina C, et al. - This study including 2,733 transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) patients from the Italian Clinical Service Project was performed to investigate if the effect of acute kidney injury (AKI) post‐TAVI on early, mid, and long‐term death may be altered by severe chronic kidney disease (CKD). The primary endpoint was all‐cause death. A raised risk of early as well as mid‐term mortality post-TAVI was observed in correlation with postprocedural AKI, irrespective of baseline severe CKD. An increased risk of long‐term death post-TAVI was reported in relation to preprocedural severe CKD, irrespective of postprocedural AKI. Overall, findings showed that the effect of postprocedural AKI in predicting early and mid‐term death post-TAVI was not modified by preprocedural severe CKD. There is a necessity for close monitoring of serum creatinine as well as strategies to avert AKI post‐TAVI also in patients without severe CKD at admission.

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