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Insulin secretion predicts the response to therapy with exenatide plus pioglitazone but not to basal/bolus insulin in poorly controlled T2DM patients: Results from the Qatar study

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Dec 15, 2017

Abdul-Ghani M, et al. - In this study, experts sought to identify predictors for response to combination therapy with pioglitazone plus exenatide vs basal/bolus insulin therapy in T2DM patients who were poorly controlled on maximum/near-maximum doses of metformin plus a sulfonylurea. Findings revealed that the increment in 2-hour plasma C-peptide concentration above the fasting level provided a useful tool that identified poorly controlled T2DM patients who could achieve glycemic control without insulin therapy. Thereby, it could be used to individualize antihyperglycemic therapy in poorly controlled T2DM patients.
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