Insomnia, muscular cramps and pruritus have low intensity in hemodialysis patients with good dialysis efficiency, low inflammation and arteriovenous fistula
International Urology and Nephrology Aug 17, 2017
Orasan OH, et al. – Researchers aimed to figure out if insomnia, muscular cramps and pruritus had low intensity in hemodialysis patients with good dialysis efficiency, low inflammation and arteriovenous fistula. Data displayed less insomnia, muscular cramps and pruritus in hemodialysis (HD) patients with arteriovenous fistula (AVF). An association was observed between insomnia and muscular cramps as well as inflammation. Demonstrating a link with higher C–reactive protein (CRP) in men, pruritus was worse in older patients. It diminished with increased dialysis efficiency. Except more severe insomnia for HD in men, no difference was noticed between HD and hemodiafiltration (HDF) patients.
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