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Inositol for the prevention of gestational diabetes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics Dec 21, 2018

Vitagliano A, et al. - Researchers investigated the efficacy and safety of inositol (ISL) supplementation during pregnancy for the prevention of gestational diabetes (GDM) via conducting a systematic literature review including all randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing pregnant women with GDM who were randomized to either ISL (ie, intervention group) or either placebo or no treatment (ie, control group). Outcomes suggest ISLs administration during pregnancy as safe. For GDM prevention, it may represent a novel strategy. In particular, enhanced glycemic homeostasis and lessened GDM rate and preterm delivery rate could be achieved with the double administration of myo-inositol (MYO) 2g per day.
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