Initially untreated fasting hyperglycaemia in early pregnancy: Prognosis according to occurrence of gestational diabetes mellitus after 22 weeks' gestation: A case–control study
Diabetic Medicine Sep 29, 2019
Cosson E, Vicaut E, Sandre-Banon D, et al. - Researchers conducted this case-control study to assess the percentage of women with untreated fasting hyperglycaemia in early pregnancy who develop gestational diabetes mellitus after 22 weeks of gestation, the determinants of the development of gestational diabetes in such women and the prognosis of early fasting hyperglycaemia depending on whether women continue to develop gestational diabetes. The study sample consisted of 268 women (mean fasting plasma glucose 5.3 ± 0.3 mmol/l at a mean ± sd of 10.2 ± 4.2 weeks' gestation). Investigators found that gestational diabetes developed in 134 women and was independently linked to early fasting plasma glucose ≥ 5.5 mmol/l, age ≥ 30 years, preconception obesity, family history of diabetes and current employment. Subsequently, only half of women with early fasting hyperglycaemia and no specific care developed gestational diabetes, and despite gestational diabetes treatment, these women had a poor prognosis. Most of the poor prognosis was attributable to risk factors. The findings suggest that for early fasting hyperglycaemia, only women with certain risk factors should be screened.
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