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Inhaled corticosteroids in ventilated preterm neonates: A non-randomized dose-ranging study

BMC Pediatrics May 11, 2018

Raghuram k, et al. - A non-randomized dose-ranging trial was performed to determine an effective dose of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) for the treatment of ventilator-dependent infants to facilitate extubation or reduce fractional inspired oxygen concentration. This research was conducted on 41 infants born at < 32 weeks gestational age (GA) or < 1250 g who were ventilator-dependent at 10–28 days postnatal age. They discovered that therapeutic efficacy was not achieved with all studied doses of ICS, however, a significant reduction in oxygen requirements was noted in ventilator-dependent preterm infants at 10–28 days of age when given 800 μg of hydrofluoralkane beclomethasone dipropionate (HFA-BDP) bid.
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