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Influence of the width of keratinized tissue on the development and resolution of experimental peri-implant mucositis lesions in humans

Clinical Oral Implants Research May 01, 2018

Schwarz F, et al. - Researchers evaluated the influence of the width of keratinized mucosa (KM) on the development and resolution of experimental peri-implant mucositis lesions at abutments with different microstructures in humans. Findings suggested on the development (ie, at 21 days) and resolution of experimental peri-implant mucositis lesions at both abutment types with the width of KM (≥2 mm) had some effects. Significant correlations were seen between the width of KM and modified plaque index (mPI), modified gingival index (mGI), bleeding on probing (BOP), and probing depth (PD) scores.
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