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Influence of surgical quality (according to postoperative radiography) on mortality, complications and recovery of walking ability in 1425 hip fracture patients

Injury Feb 26, 2021

Cordero-Ampuero J, Peix C, Marcos S, et al. - This study was sought to present an approach to percutaneous K-wire pinning to mitigate the risk of infection. Researchers retrospectively examined patients undergoing K-wire fixation procedures of the hand and wrist. They included 90 patients in this study across a variety of K-wire fixation operations in the hand and wrist. Despite a largely underserved patient population, the specific guidelines of this technique resulted in no cases of pin site infection. The data exhibited that the low incidence of infection was maintained without the use of prophylactic antibiotics and in patients with long periods of fixation. The principles of our technique allow for K-wire fixations to be conducted percutaneously without burying the wires, while the high infection rates in previous literature have often been associated with wires left exposed. Without compromising patient safety, this may allow for improved cost and time efficiency.

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