Influence of leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) on the outcomes of impacted mandibular third molar removal surgery: A split-mouth randomized clinical trial
Quintessence International May 03, 2018
Daugela P, et al. - Authors assessed the influence of leukocyte- and platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) on impacted mandibular third molar (IMTM) extraction wound healing, patient postoperative discomfort, and incidence of alveolar osteitis. Soft tissue healing was improved and postoperative pain swelling, and incidence of alveolar osteitis after IMTM surgical extraction was reduced with L-PRF. On first and third postoperative days, a significant reduction of facial swelling was recorded in L-PRF sites vs controls, ceasing to the nonsignificant difference at day 7. Alveolar osteitis affected none of the L-PRF sites.
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